
Thursday, August 29, 2013

New Econometrics Journal

There's a relatively new econometrics journal on the block. The Journal of Econometric Methods, published its second issue last month.

The Editors are Jason Abrevaya, Bo Honore, Atsushi Inoue, Jack Porter, and Jeffrey Wooldridge. The Aims and Scope of the journal are described as follows:

"The Journal of Econometric Methods welcomes submissions in theoretical and applied econometrics of direct relevance to empirical economics research. The journal aims to bridge the widening gap between econometric research and empirical practice. We aim to publish papers from top scholars in econometrics, but submissions must (i) consider a topic of broad interest to practitioners and (ii) be written in a style that is targeted at practitioners. Subject to these requirements, the journal will consider submissions in all areas of econometrics.
We will not consider submissions that are application-specific. While econometric methodology should be thoroughly illustrated with empirical data, such methodology should be useful above and beyond the specific application considered."
The articles published to date are of a very high standard, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

© 2013, David E. Giles