
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Three Minute Thesis

Now that all of you grad. students are excited that you'll be able to get your dissertations finished in just three minutes, let me bring you back to earth!

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a competition that challenges research students to present the essence of their work, in just three minutes, to a lay audience. Communication is key. Originally developed by a group at the University of Queensland in Australia, the 3MT has now become popular in other parts of the world. including where in Canada. Campus, regional, and national competitions have emerged, with students from all disciplines vying for the honour of being a communication star.

It's a great concept, and it's good to see how many universities are coming on-board in supporting and promoting the 3MT. If you want to see what it's all about, there are some great video clips, here.

Here at the University of Victoria, our first 3MT competition is being organised by our Faculty of Graduate Studies, and the full details for local students are here

Cash prizes are at stake! You'll have to hurry, though, because entries are closing very soon.

© 2014, David E. Giles