
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

In Praise of T.A.s

With another teaching term completed, I'm reminded of how much we faculty members rely on our Teaching Assistants (T.A.s) This is especially true in the case of large undergraduate classes, where we'd be run off our feet without the invaluable input from these hard-working, often under-appreciated members of the teaching team.

Over the years, I've been especially fortunate to have worked with some very dedicated and conscientious T.A.s. Sometimes, being allocated to one of my courses wasn't their first choice. After all, introductory economic statistics isn't for everyone! None the less, they pitched in, worked hard, and the students in the courses were the beneficiaries. And so was I.

So, thank you all! And if you're a faculty member who relied on your T.A.s as much as I have, don't forget to let them know how important their work is, and how much it's appreciated.

© 2017, David E. Giles