
Sunday, July 28, 2019

AAEA Meeting, 2019

The Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) recently held its annual meeting in Atlanta, GA. You can find the extensive program here.

This year, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend and participate.

This was thanks to the kind invitation of Marc Bellemare, a member of the Executive Board of the AAEA, and (of course) a blogger whom many of you no doubt follow. (If you don't, then you should!) 

Marc arranged a session in which he and I talked about the pros and cons of The Cookbook Approach to Teaching Econometrics. The session was well attended, and the bulk of the time was devoted to a very helpful discussion-question-answer period with the audience.

As you'll know from some of my previous posts (e.g., here and here), I'm not a big fan of The Cookbook Approach - at least, not if it's the primary/sole way of teaching econometrics. Marc made the point that there's a place for this approach if it's adopted after more formal courses in econometrics. I'm in agreement with that.

I put together a few background talking-point slides for my short presentation. For what they're worth, you'll find then here.

I really enjoyed my time at the AAEA meeting, and I learned a lot. Thanks, Marc, and thank you to the participants!

© 2019, David E. Giles