Thursday, December 29, 2016

Why Not Join The Replication Network?

I've been a member of The Replication Network (TRN) for some time now, and I commend it to you.

I received the End-of-the-Year Update for the TRN today, and I'm taking the liberty of reproducing it below in its entirety in the hope that you may consider getting involved.

Here it is:

"Dear Member of The Replication Network (TRN),
Welcome to the 2016 End-Of-The-Year Update for TRN.  The last few months have seen a lot of interesting content at TRN.  Just in case you might have missed it, here are some recent highlights you might want to check out.
For starters, there have been some excellent Guest Blogs.  A sampling includes a report by Douglas Campbell on a class project where Master students attempted to replicate macroeconomic studies from the AER. Richard Tol and Donna De Weerd-Wilson announce a new replication effort from the journal Energy Economics. Tom Coupé compares citations from an original study and its replication and asks, Are replications worth it? Peter van Bergeijk illustrates the importance of data revisions using examples from the IMF publication World Economic OutlookSven Vlaeminck of the German National Library of Economics discusses a new initiative to help economics journals store data and code.  And much, much more.
Noteworthy among “News & Events” items are two sessions dedicated to replications at the upcoming ASSA meetings in Chicago, January 7-9.  One session is entitled “Replication and Ethics in Economics: Thirty Years after Dewald, Thursby and Anderson,” and the other is “Replication in Microeconomics.” Details about both sessions can be found here.

Finally, have you did any recent research on replications? Would you like to summarise your research in a Guest Blog? Do you have other thoughts about replications that you would like to share? TRN is happy to post Guest Blogs or News & Events items from its members.  Just reply to this email to let us know of your interest.
Finally, have you did any recent research on replications? Would you like to summarise your research in a Guest Blog? Do you have other thoughts about replications that you would like to share? TRN is happy to post Guest Blogs or News & Events items from its members.  Just reply to this email to let us know of your interest.

As 2016 comes to an end, it’s good to reflect on the past year at TRN.  Membership has grown from 188 to 315.  Page views have increased from 10,000 to 23,000.  In the internet world, those are still relatively modest numbers.  However, we are hopeful that next year will see continued growth.  The goal for 2017 is 500 members and 40,000 page views.
Towards that end, would you consider forwarding this email to your colleagues and asking them to consider joining?  The ultimate goal of this website/network is to encourage journals to publish more replication studies.  The more members we have, the more journals can see that there is a substantial research community who support a greater role for replications in economics.

© 2016, David E. Giles

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