Thursday, October 31, 2019

It's Time to Go

When I released my first post on the blog on 20th. Febuary 2011 I really wasn't sure what to expect! After all, I was aiming to reach a somewhat niche audience.

Well, 949 posts and 7.4 million page-hits later, this blog has greatly exceeded my wildest expectations. 

However, I'm now retired and I turned 70 three months ago. I've decided to call it quits, and this is my final post.

I'd rather make a definite decision about this than have the blog just fizzle into nothingness.

For now, the Econometrics Beat blog will remain visible, but it will be closed for further comments and questions.

I've had a lot fun and learned a great deal through this blog. I owe a debt of gratitude to all of you who've followed my posts, made suggestions, asked questions, made helpful comments, and drawn errors to my attention.

I just hope that it's been as positive an experience for you as it has been for me.

Thank you - and enjoy your Econometrics!

© 2019, David E. Giles


  1. It was a fantastic blog. Enjoy your retirement.

  2. Thank you so much!

  3. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us, Dave!


    1. Justin - not sure about "wisdom", but it was good to interact with you all. DG

  4. Enjoy your well-earned retirement.

  5. I'll greatly miss your posts, Dave. Hopefully we can get you back to NZ for some in-person Econometrics Beatings!

  6. Thanks so much . JF Lamarche.

  7. Thank you Dave, you did a stellar job and I will still refer to this blog for years to come!

  8. Thank you so much Prof, we all appreciate your fantastic blog 💐💐💐💐💐

  9. Well done mate.This was a fantastic blog. you deserve all the complements you will get.

    Can't help thinking though if you are retired you would have more time to do this😂

    Thanks for everything

    1. Thanks for your long-time support! There are fish that need to be caught - literally! Cheers, Dave

  10. I've been a regular reader for the last two years. Thank you for many interesting tips and posts! I was especially fond of your reading suggestions which has led me to discover many article useful for my own research. Enjoy your retirement - it's well-deserved!

    1. Thank you very much, and thanks for following the blog. DG

  11. Prof!I have learnt alot from your blog. It is my request not to delete the blog. It would help to all the aspirant researchers. It ios really shocking news for us because you are leaving and this is your final post. Wherever, you may live just be happy. forever. Thanks prof for your valuable contribution.

    1. Niaz - The blog will remain available. I just won't be adding to it. Thanks for your support and kind words. DG

  12. Thank you so much, Professor! We learned a lot from your posts. We'll miss it the most. Very few econometric blogs exist and yours is rare among them! The best I like in your posts how easily and effortlessly (though it takes lot of time to prepare a blog post!) you could write a post. We benefit a lot. Then your "Reader's Comment" section was on cherry on the cake. We wish you come back again to blogging! Wish you a happy and healthy post-blogging life.


    1. Santosh - Thank you for your kind words. It was a great experience to interact with so many people like you. DG

  13. Thank you Dave - your blog has been a great help over the years!

  14. Thank you so much for this blog. Enjoy your retirement.

  15. The best econometric blog I knew of. thanks so much for the interesting work. You're love of econometrics is an inspiration for me and probably many others.

    1. Thanks Mark - I've enjoyed corresponding with you. DG

  16. Thank you, and thanks for your interest in the blog. DG

  17. Over the years, the blog has been a great way for us non-econometricians to keep up, at least a little bit, with econometrics. You and I started blogging at about the same time back in 2011, so I have a sense of the effort that has been involved. Many thanks."Conversable Economist" Tim Taylor

    1. Tim - Thanks for the kind words. I very much enjoy your own blog. Best, DG

  18. Thanks a lot for this blog professor, it was a huge help

    1. You're welcome - glad to know that it helped you. Best, DG

  19. I started reading this blog while doing my PhD in Financial Economics 5 years ago. I was impressed by the amount of work you put into this making concepts graspable for a wide audience and the sheer amount of literature you read and recommended. Thanks a lot for this and I wish you all the best for your "blog-free" live.

    1. Roberto - Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad that the blog was of some help. Kind regards, Dave

  20. Your blog was and is very useful as a source for my econometrics course. I first came across your name when I was as student in Louvain, Belgium, in the early seventies through the Monash (if I remember well) working papers series. Then I discovered your blog and the name rang a bell. I have been following it regularly. I will be retiring at the end of this academic year (I will be 74 then).

    1. Thank you for the kind comments. Yes, I was at Monash University in Australia at that time, and it was a crucial stage of my career. Best wishes for your own upcoming retirement. DG

    2. I did not mean to be "undknown". Somehow my name did not appear
      Eric de Souza

  21. I started reading your blog when I was at my senior year at college. Your blog kept me motivated to be constantly learning more about econometrics! The lack of motivation we experience when we hit plateaus can be very harmful, and you definitely helped me to go through some of these plateaus :)
    You did something great here and you should know it affected people everywhere in the world. Me, for example, an Econ Major from Brazil.
    Thanks for the great blog, and I wish you all the best!
    Kind regards,

    1. Hugo - Thank you very much for your kind comments. I was really touched by what you had to say. It is so good to know that the blog was helpful you. Good luck in your future career.

  22. "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence ends." Thank you!

    1. Hemant - thank you for the very humbling words. Dave

  23. I would like to wish you happy and prosperous retirement. I have found out about this blog just a few months back and learnt a lot since then.
    I want to stress how down to earth you comments are.You reply to and answer even the most basic questions. That's something I truly admire.
    Big thank you!

    1. Amir - Thank you very much. I'm glad to know that the blog was of help to you. DG

  24. I am a PhD student in economics at Ege university in Turkey. I regularly read this blog and it has been of great help to my understanding of econometrics . I learnt a lot of issues from you through this platform. I am writing to you Prof. Dave Giles to tell you that your generous help is highly appreciated. I wish you the the best in your retirement.
    greetings from Turkey

    1. Godwin - Thank you very much for your kind message. Much appreciated! It was a great experience for me. Dave

  25. Thank you and enjoy retirement! All the best!

  26. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, Prof Giles! Your blog posts and guides have not only helped me learn econometric methods, but also fall in love with econometrics itself! Wishing you all the best and a long and relaxed retirement!

  27. I am disappointed to see you close your blog. It is excellent and I am sure to refer to it in the future.

    I am also happy for you. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement and thank you for your numerous contributions to the field.

    With best wishes,

    1. Vasja - I'm glad that you enjoyed the blog. Thanks for being involved, and best wishes. Dave

  28. Thank you for all of your informed blog posts over the years Prof Giles. I know you have helped countless students and researchers throughout the world lucky enough to gave encountered this blog!! B.

    1. Thanks for the kind comment. Glad to have been of help - it was a real pleasure! DG

  29. South-american economist from Bolivia here. Thanks a lot Dave, I followed your blog for years. I wish you all the best in your retirement!

    1. You're most welcome. Glad to have been of help. DG

  30. Dave,

    Thanks for a great blog...will miss your posts...


  31. Dear Prof. Giles, I've been reading your blog for years but have never commented. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for all the work you've done on this blog. You've performed an amazing public service. I've learned a tremendous amount from you and I've very grateful for your efforts. I hope you enjoy your well-earned retirement. Thank you very much for everything!

    1. Edo- Thank your for the kind comments. It's good to learn that the blog was helpful to people. Good luck with your own work. Dave

  32. Dave, thank you for your blog. It's taught me so much and has been a wonderful point of reference for myself and many colleagues. I'll miss the posts dearly! I originally very much enjoyed the step by step guides (I still do) but as my understanding of econometrics grew along with my interest, my favorites have been the recommended readings. All the best. Adam Elderfield

    1. Adam - Thank you very much for your kind words. Much appreciated. Dave

  33. David

    Thank you for the body of knowledge you have assembled here, which will remain, and so go on into the future helping as many or more than it already has in the past. What you have done here has been no less than a contribution to our civilisation.

    Mark Leggett

    1. Mark - thanks for the overly kind words. It's always been great interacting with (and learning from) you. Dave


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